Synergic ERP

Experience the Difference of Tailored Solutions, Expert Support, and Unwavering Commitment. Join Hands with Us and Elevate Your Business to New Heights. Because When You Choose Us, You Choose Success.With a blend of innovation, reliability, and unwavering dedication, we’re not just a choice; we’re your strategic partner in achieving greatness. Trust in our proven track record, personalized solutions, and commitment to your success. Join hands with us and embark on a journey of unparalleled excellence.

Synergic ERP Modules

In Pakistan, Synergic ERP is revolutionizing businesses by providing a comprehensive suite of ERP modules designed to streamline and enhance every aspect of business operations.


Material Request
Purchase Order/Contract
Inward Gate Pass
Quality Inspection
Weighing Scale Integrations
Camera Integrations
Goods Receipt Note (GRN)
Purchase Invoice
Purchase Return
Broker Management

Quality Control

QC Samples
Quality Parameters
Lab Test/Observations
Lab Results
Moisture Slabs
Purchase Costing Upon Moisture Slabs

Freight Management

Freight Booking on IGP
Freight Control (Load/ Pohnch) on GRN
Quality Inspection
Weighing Scale Integrations
Camera Integrations
Weight Cut
Freight Payment Vouchers

Inventory Management

Material Request
Store Issuance
Stock Movement
Warehouse Management
Stock Audit
Re-Order levels
Stock Ledger
Lot wise/Batch Wise Stock


Pre- Production Costing
Batch/Lot Costing
Production Input / Output
Production Packing
Production Overheads
Contractor Wages
Production Recovery
Post Production Costing


Sales Order
Delivery Order
Delivery Challan
Out-ward Gate Pass
Sales Invoice
Sales Return


Contract/LCs Order
Contract Scheduling
CRO (Container release Order)
Third Party Inspection
Export Forwarding
Driver Declaration
Export Invoice & Pick List

Contractor Wages

Contract Agreement/Terms
Work Hours & Overtime
Payment Schedule
Tax Deductions
Contractor Benefits


Real-Time Monitoring
Contract & Payment Insights
Performance Analytics
Payment Tracking

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